How to sell canva template and make money on online

In this blog post, I’m going to show you how I got started, what I’ve learnt over the last couple of years, and how you can start making a thousand dollars or two a month selling Canva templates on the side, too.

Canva Templates Should Be Sold To Whom?

I believe it is reasonable to claim that you can begin selling Canva templates as long as you match the following two criteria:

You adore Canva, right?

You’re either a natural designer or you’re prepared to work hard to improve your talents.

If you recall, I previously stated that I am not a graphic designer.
Engineering is my background.
However, I’ve always admired good design and wished to be able to create it.
Putting in the effort to develop my style was a process I thoroughly liked.

Canva, on the other hand, comes in handy when you need to generate basic yet high-quality items for your business.
Here are several examples:

  • social media graphics, banners, thumbnails (Instagram posts and stories, Facebook posts and banners, YouTube thumbnails and banners, Pinterest pin graphics, etc.)
  • blog graphics (featured images, hero section backgrounds, social media graphics, etc.)
  • workbooks
  • eBooks
  • media kits
  • infographics
  • brochures, posters, and flyers
  • presentations
  • resumes
  • greeting cards
  • and a bazillion other documents type products. Based on what your audience’s needs are and what you personally enjoy creating, you can create an array of graphics/templates with Canva and sell them.

Just make sure that your products are unique and created from scratch by you.

Let’s take a look at what it costs:

  • Canva account. It’s FREE! (But, I do recommend having a Canva Pro account. A pro account isn’t necessary, but it does unlock more features that you may find beneficial. It’s only $12.99 per month, or $119.99 if you pay annually.

If you’re going to set up your store on a third-party marketplace like D-Signs gfx It’s totally free!

There is an additional expense of hosting your website if you are putting up your business on your own platform.
A WordPress site with a name and hosting can be had for some dollars per month!

Let’s take a look at the full method of selling Canva templates to make money.

Step 1: Create a Canva account.

To get started, create a Canva account.
It is completely free.

To share your designs as templates, you used to need a Canva pro account, but from February 23, 2021, this function will be available to all Canva users.

Step 2: Choose the items you’ll offer in your shop.

Determine the types of things you want to sell in your store. Different people have different perspectives on this. Since I started my store on my blog first, I took into account my current audience and their demands while creating a product range.

Maybe you’re a photographer who teaches photography on their website and already has a following of other photographers. You could wonder what type of products photographers require. What about visuals for social media? Banners for social media? Portfolios and picture albums for photographers? Is it better to have a services brochure or price sheets? Onboarding papers with a client?

Maybe you’re a foodie or a cook who writes for a blog. Recipe cards, recipe books, meal planners, grocery planners, cookbooks, social media graphics, and so on are all possibilities.

This method of developing a product line is advantageous when you already have a customer base. However, if you don’t currently have an audience or are starting up your business on a third-party marketplace like Etsy, you could just go to Etsy and look at what type of digital templates others are offering. Make a list of product kinds you’d want to make and sell on your Canva template shop after doing some study.

Step 3: To sell, create Canva templates.

Canva features a plethora of ready-made layouts from which to draw inspiration. It’s one thing to be inspired by something, and quite another to replicate something or use a template and make changes to it.

If you are unable to create your own designs, please refrain from selling templates for the time being and instead concentrate on learning and improving your design talents.

Pre-made templates, on the other hand, are currently available on Canva. So, why would someone pay you to buy a template that is comparable to yours?

If you want people to pay you, your designs must be sufficiently unique and of higher quality.

So be cautious about where you get your ideas.

Personally, I enjoy following artists on Instagram and spending time looking at other designers’ work on Etsy, Creative Market, Behance, Dribbble, 99Designs, and other sites. I’m always trying to take in as much as I can. But, once again, use caution. Allowing your inspiration to determine the design will make you appear plagiarized. It is not cool, ethical, or legal to copy or steal other people’s work.

Design the templates after you have a good idea of what you want to sell. You may create your items using Canva’s components and fonts, as well as the photographs accessible on the site. You don’t have to worry about element or image rights because customers can only use these templates if they have their own Canva accounts. When you’re selling Canva templates, keep this in mind. However, I like to develop my designs using just free Canva components and fonts as a best practice. This way, even if my customer doesn’t have a Canva pro account, they can still utilize my templates without having to upgrade or pay a pro element.

Step 4: Create deliverables using the Canva template.

When you create a design with Canva, you can share it as a template with your customers.

After you’ve finished designing, you’ll need to complete the following tasks:

Get the URL to the sharable template from the design.
Make a PDF with the URL to the sharable template.
Add the URL to the sharable template to your PDF.

When you’re finished and you’ve made a product, you’ll set this PDF as the deliverable so that when someone buys it, they get it. They may then access your design after they receive the PDF.

The steps are as follows:
Get the URL to the shareable Canva template.

Click the share button on the design window you’re trying to sell, and then scroll down to the bottom of the page. Click the arrow to open a dropdown menu in the newly opened area. Then select “Share a link to use as a template” from the drop-down menu.

This is the URL you’ll send to your customers. When your customers click this link, the template will open and create a duplicate in their own Canva account, leaving your original master template intact even if they make modifications to it.
Create the PDF and provide the link to the downloadable template.

You begin with a blank US letter size page, just like you would with any other design on Canva. Add some content to this document, such as your logo, contact information, and so on.

After logging in, search for “US letter” in the Canva search box on the site.

You might thank your customer for their purchase in the PDF and instruct them to view the template by clicking the link.

To add a link to a PDF document, follow these steps:

Click the link icon from the editing menu after selecting the text (it may read something like, “Click here to access your template” or something similar). This will bring up a pop-up window where you may paste the URL you previously copied (the sharable template link.)
“Apply” is selected. When your customer clicks on this text, they’ll be able to open the Canva template on their own Canva account.

Make sure to use the URL you copied in the previous step — the “use as template” link — when you input it.

When everything appears fine, download the document and export it using the “PDF Print” format. Keep in mind that the link will only function if you save it as a PDF.

Step 5: Make product photos

Because your buyers cannot see the actual goods, design great product photos to ensure that your products are appealing to them.

I usually make at least 10 product photos for each product. More graphics aid your clients in determining whether your offering is appropriate for their needs.

Step 6: Set a price for your goods.

It’s critical to have the correct pricing. Because there is no “set” pricing guide, you’ll have to conduct some research and choose the best and most optimum price for your items on your own.

Check at some of the Canva product pricing that are similar to the items that you’re developing as part of your “homework.” You may achieve this by going to the stores of other dealers.
While conducting your study, keep these points in mind.
a similar level of design
The total number of pages/graphics in a template bundle (for instance, how many Instagram templates are included in an Instagram template product?). If you have 40 templates and someone else is selling a 15-template bundle for $12, your product will naturally be more costly.)

Step 7: Make a list of your Canva templates that you want to sell.

Start listing your items now that you have everything you need. You may sell your items on your own platform if you already have a website with an audience (a blog or a company website). If that isn’t the case, you may start with our D-Signs gfx marketplace, which is completely free to use.

You’ll need to categorize the goods appropriately.

Step 8: Market your goods
It’s now time to sell the goods!
Pinterest is one of the strategies to advertise templates. Pinterest is one of my favorite sites. In fact, this fantastic site is where I acquire a lot of my consumers. Here are some ideas for using Pinterest to advertise your templates.
As you may be aware, gaining momentum on Pinterest necessitates the creation of outstanding Pin visuals. Make careful to build visually appealing Pin visuals that will entice other people to click on them. From the beginning to the end, amazing images will hook them and keep them interested until they become a paying customer.
Pin your items on a regular basis. At the very least, strive for 3/4 pins every week; the more, the better. However, refrain from spamming. Every week, switch out the goods you’ve pinned. You may market your items on any other social media site you use, as well as your email list if you have one, in addition to Pinterest. If you notify your subscribers when a new product is available, a number of them will most likely convert.

Product descriptions are written

This is the section where you get to describe the product. Give as much information as you can:
What exactly is the product? (Will there be an eBook? Is there a price list? Templates for social media?)
Who is it intended for?
What can you do with the product?
What’s included in the package?
What is the best way to utilize this product?
Consider all of the questions and concerns a customer could have, then address them in your product description.

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